5 Features Our Customers Love About Our Window Cleaning

It isn't often that we will talk about ourselves, but we thought this list of qualities would be helpful if you are out there searching for a quality window cleaning company. Consider these the next time you make a call to hire someone for window cleaning.


One of the most loved services we provide to our customers is advice on when to clean their windows. Some customers are unsure when or how they should approach window cleaning, as it is sort of a necessary evil. We had a customer just last week say that he set aside some time in his schedule to clean his windows and when he got around to it, he realized it was going to take it him 3 times as long as he thought it would. He was ok paying us to come in and take this task off his hands. 

After cleaning, we gave him some advice on how often he should clean based on where he lives for the most consistent and best result. Keeping a scheduled cleaning can give you back some time and add a little more to your quality of life.

Thorough and Detailed


Since our window technicians are trained to provide our service with a standard of excellence, their mission is to make sure everything is cleaned, not just what easily seen. Not only are our technicians focused on providing the highest quality service available, it is their high priority to not track dirt into your house, scratch windows and to work safely around all your furniture and belongings. 

When speaking specifically about window cleaning, our technicians are going to do the work you are paying us for and then some. When we give you an estimate to clean 20 windows, including screens and tracks, we will leave those 20 windows looking spectacular. The screens will be scrubbed and the tracks will be detailed out nicely. We take pride in not skipping over windows that you might not notice and are most concerned with meeting your highest expectation. If there is something our estimator missed, we will take care of it for you. Our goal is satisfying you so you will see the benefit in having us out for a scheduled maintenance.


Something we hear a lot is how friendly our window cleaning and pressure washing technicians are with our customers. From human to human we are there to exceed your expectations but also to show you we care. If you have pets we'll probably ask you about them. We want to know your likes and dislikes so we can be thinking about how to provide even better service in the future. 

We want to be someone you can rely on and trust in your home while you are working on the rest of your daily task list. Our goal as a window cleaning company, is to make you feel comfortable with technicians and their skill level so you don't have to worry about who will show up to clean your windows.

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It is one of our missions to properly train and equip our technicians to serve you at the highest level. We invest in our people and our company each month by striving to become even more of an expert in our field. Meeting with other experts and talking about how each of us are making strides in window cleaning or pressure washing, we come away with new techniques in cleaning and ideas for company improvement.

Before our window technicians are allowed to work by themselves on a new customer's home, they go through an extensive training program to learn the Clear Advantage Cleaning way. We feel this is necessary to keep our work consistent and of the highest quality. This training includes in office learning as well as field rides with our current window technicians. We want them to be as prepared as they can possibly be before working in your home.

Value for the Money

Even though we never claim to be the cheapest window cleaning company in Ormond, Port Orange, Daytona or Palm Coast, we do guarantee to always bring a high amount of value to the table. Our customers have consistently hired us month after month or year after year with joy of knowing where their money is going. Our customers enjoy peace of mind knowing our team is trained and qualified to be in their home. We keep your expectations and priorities top of mind so you can focus on other tasks around the home. When our customers have add up the time they are saving by having us on the job, they are excited about paying us to take care of their needs. 

These are only a few of the reasons our customers hire us for window cleaning. If you'd like to learn more about these and other reasons, click here get in touch with one of our estimators and see what it would take to make you one of our happy customers.